Adults 4th quarter 2024
December 15, 2024
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on.” (Mt 6.25a)
The Lord Jesus, our faithful friend, fulfills all our physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
Monday – Mt 6.25 The blessing of surrendering and resting in God
Tuesday – 1 Pe 5.7 Casting our anxiety on God because He cares for us
Wednesday – 1 Tim 6.8 Being content with the Lord our God
Thursday – 1 Thes 5.23 Taking care of all the spheres of our being
Friday – Mt 6.34 Worries and concerns mark our time
Saturday – Ex 33.15; Acts 1:4,5 The provision of the Spirit's presence in our lives
Suggested Hymns: 58, 61, 467 of the Christian Harp
Matthew 6.25-31
25- Therefore I say to you, do not be careful about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor concerning your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body than clothing?
26- Look at the birds of the air, which do not sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than them?
27- And which of you can, by all his care, add one cubit to his stature?
28- And as for clothing, why are you careful? Look at the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither work nor spin.
29- And I tell you that not even Solomon in all his glory was clothed like one of these.
30- For if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not clothe you much more, O men of little faith?
31- Therefore do not be anxious, saying, What shall we eat or what shall we drink or what shall we clothe ourselves with?
At this moment, many brothers face arduous battles and will enter your class needing to remember Jesus' precious promise about his care and integral provision for human beings. Therefore, be prepared both in the rational sphere, studying the lesson, but also in the spiritual sphere, interceding with the Heavenly Father for each student and their needs.
A) Objectives of the Lesson:
I) To raise awareness that the Lord provides the basic needs of his children;
II) Emphasize that the Lord Jesus is the solution to the evil of anxiety that plagues the world;
III) Explain divine provision in the spiritual sphere.
B) Motivation: Anxiety disorder was considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) to be a growing epidemic, especially in Brazil. We, as Christians, have the answer to this, as well as to so many other human woes: Jesus Christ.
C) Method Suggestion: There is immense power in testimony. Therefore, we suggest that you (or a guest brother) tell an experience about the miracle of divine provision when, humanly, all resources were lacking. Certainly, you and your class will be greatly edified and remember countless situations in which you also experienced this divine promise come to life in the most dramatic moments. In the midst of a chaotic and uncertain world scenario that brutally affects the population's mental health, in Christ we find peace in the certainty that He will continue to meet, in glory, all our needs, whether physical, emotional or spiritual. We just need to persevere in Him and His Word, subjecting all areas of our lives to His lordship.
A) Application:
A) Christian Teacher Magazine. It is worth checking out this magazine that brings reports, articles, interviews and support resources for Adult Bible Lessons. In issue 99, p. 41, you will find a special support for this lesson.
B) Special Support: At the end of the topic, you will find support that will support you in preparing your class:
1) The text “DIVINE PROVIDENCE”, located after the first topic, reinforces the Creator's goodness over all creation, present in Jesus' teaching in Matthew 6;
2) The text “DO NOT BE ANXIOUS”, located after the second topic, brings a Word of comfort for times of affliction, to which we are all subject.
In this lesson, we will study the promise of provision for the believer in his needs. We know that the Bible reveals that the human being is composed of body, soul and spirit. Therefore, we can affirm that he has physical, emotional and spiritual needs. In light of Matthew 6, we see the importance that our Lord gives to all spheres of human nature. Therefore, in this lesson, we will study about the instructions as promises that the Lord gives regarding the concerns and worries of life.
Keyword: Provision
1- Do not be anxious! In the Sermon on the Mount, chapter 6 of the Gospel of Matthew, the Lord Jesus teaches about almsgiving, prayer, fasting, among other topics. He taught the disciples not to live anxiously and worried about the basic necessities of life, because the God who provides for all animals and plants also takes care of the basic, emotional and spiritual needs of human beings. That is why our Lord said: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on” (Mt 6.25a).2- Provision of daily food. In verse 26, Jesus refers to the “birds of the air” that do not sow, nor reap, nor store food, but the Heavenly Father provides their daily food. This beautiful biblical image reminds us that if God looks at animals, a category inferior to human beings, we can be sure that He looks at, cares for, and relates to people. In this way, He knows that we cannot live without daily food to nourish our bodies. Still, even regarding the most basic need in life, we must learn to trust in God and not be dominated by anxiety (1 Peter 5:7). “As the body, so the soul must be cared for, kept blameless. The way we treat ourselves overflows into the way we act with others.”
3- Provision of clothing. Likewise, in verses 28 and 30, the Lord Jesus makes a reference to the lilies of the field, which do not buy or produce their own clothing, but the Heavenly Father clothes them beautifully. In relation to human beings, God interacts with them in a very personal way so that He also provides them with clothing. Regarding this basic human need, we must learn to trust in God and not let ourselves be dominated by anxiety. God knows that we need both our daily food and our clothing, and so we must do our part (2 Thess 3:10,11), but we must never allow restlessness and anxiety to dominate our hearts in the process of seeking what to eat and what to wear (1 Tim 6:8).
The Lord provides the basic needs of all Creation, especially of human beings in their trichotomy.
“God not only preserves the world He created, but He also provides for the needs of His creatures. When God created the world, He also created the seasons (Gen. 1:14) and provided food for humans and animals (Gen. 1:29, 30). After the Flood destroyed the earth, God renewed His promise of provision with these words: ‘While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night will not cease’ (Gen. 8:22). Several of the Psalms bear witness to God’s goodness in providing for all His creatures (Ps. 104; 145). The same God who revealed to Job His power to create and sustain (Job 38—41)” (Pentecostal Study Bible. Rio de Janeiro: CPAD, 2009, p. 105).
1- We are integral beings. The Word of God reveals that we are body, but also soul (1 Thess 5.23). In this sense, in addition to physical needs, we have emotional needs. Therefore, we are integral beings. Therefore, what happens in the soul reflects on the body. It is the sphere responsible for emotions and feelings. It feels sad, feels affection, and rejoices (Mk 14.34; Song 1.7; Ps 86.4). Therefore, stewardship of the soul is indispensable for our complete well-being. Just like the body, the soul must be cared for and preserved in an impeccable manner (1 Thess 5.23). The way we treat ourselves overflows into the way we act towards others.2- Anxiety in the world. Jesus' words in Matthew 6 are very current. He addresses people's concerns and worries in the decision-making process. Our Lord warns us that anxiety can harm us. According to data from PAHO (Pan American Health Organization), anxiety disorders, as well as other mental disorders, affect approximately 300 million people worldwide. Brazil leads the world ranking for anxiety, as it affects approximately 18.6 million people, according to PAHO data. This data shows a little of the lack of peace in the world and how unrest is very present in people's lives (Matthew 6:34).
3- The solution for anxiety. Our solution is always in Jesus. There is no illness that He cannot cure, even emotional ones (Matthew 12:15). Throughout the New Testament, the apostle Paul teaches us to be careful what we think (Phil. 4:8,9); to guard our hearts and feelings from all unrest (Phil. 4:6,7); to cast our anxiety on God and rest in Him (1 Peter 5:6,7). Thus, from the Word of God we know that emotional illnesses can bring great harm to our lives. Therefore, the Bible warns us about the care we must take with our soul. Our God also assures us of victory over anxiety (Ps 55:22).
Anxiety is a global evil today. However, just like physical illnesses, through Jesus and His Word, we can also obtain victory over it.
“Jesus is not saying that it is wrong for Christians to make arrangements to meet their future material needs (cf. 2 Cor 12.14; 1 Tim 5.8). What He really reproves here is the person’s anxiety or distressing concern, revealing their lack of faith in God’s care and fatherly love (Ezek 34.12; 1 Pet 5.7). The words of these verses contain God’s promise to all His children in this age of affliction and uncertainty. God has promised to make provision for our food, clothing, and other needs. We do not need to worry in this sense, but do our part, live for God and let Him reign in our lives (v.33), certain that we assume full responsibility for a life totally surrendered to Him (1 Pet 5.7; Phil 4.6)”. (Pentecostal Study Bible. RJ: CPAD, 2009, p.1397)
2- Need for God’s presence and guidance. Another spiritual need that human beings have is God’s presence and guidance in their lives. Each day that passes, we need to seek God’s presence through prayer to do His will in our lives (Exodus 33:15; Acts 1:4,5). In addition to this precious presence, we also need divine guidance on our journey. From time to time, we need to make decisions, choices, and act. Therefore, we cannot do anything without divine guidance. To do this, we have the Holy Spirit, our Helper, and the Word of God as our compass. The Holy Spirit enlightens us in our understanding of the Scriptures and, therefore, guides us in everything (Romans 8:14). He fulfills this spiritual need.
3- In need of the Holy Spirit. The guidance of the Spirit is indispensable, and even more fundamental is the presence of the Spirit Himself within us. The psalmist said: “Do not take Your Holy Spirit from me” (Psalm 51:11). In order to fulfill His mission on Earth, the Lord Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:38). The same is true for us, because only the Holy Spirit can convince man of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8); only the Holy Spirit can enable us to evangelize effectively (Acts 1:8); and even our intercessions will not be successful without the powerful action of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:26). Without this work, the Church cannot advance. The Holy Spirit provides for our spiritual needs.
As trichotomous beings, in addition to physical and emotional needs, we also have spiritual needs, which the Lord also provides for us through the Holy Spirit.
Our God, through His Son, Jesus Christ, provides for all our needs, whether physical, emotional or spiritual, because God treats us as whole people. In this way, we are invited to place every area of our being in complete dependence on God. In fact, we will not stop facing challenges and making risky decisions. However, we can rest in God and, through the presence and guidance of the Spirit, experience a period of fullness in His presence.
1- What is the Lord Jesus referring to in Matthew 6:26?
Jesus refers to the “birds of the air” that do not sow, nor reap, nor store food, but the Heavenly Father provides their daily food.
Anxiety is a global evil today. However, just like physical illnesses, through Jesus and His Word, we can also obtain victory over it.
“Jesus is not saying that it is wrong for Christians to make arrangements to meet their future material needs (cf. 2 Cor 12.14; 1 Tim 5.8). What He really reproves here is the person’s anxiety or distressing concern, revealing their lack of faith in God’s care and fatherly love (Ezek 34.12; 1 Pet 5.7). The words of these verses contain God’s promise to all His children in this age of affliction and uncertainty. God has promised to make provision for our food, clothing, and other needs. We do not need to worry in this sense, but do our part, live for God and let Him reign in our lives (v.33), certain that we assume full responsibility for a life totally surrendered to Him (1 Pet 5.7; Phil 4.6)”. (Pentecostal Study Bible. RJ: CPAD, 2009, p.1397)
1- Need for salvation. In addition to being body and soul, human beings are also spirits. Therefore, we have spiritual needs. The greatest of these is salvation. This need was caused by sin due to the fall of our first parents (Romans 5:12). This need is not only for an individual, but for all humanity that needs salvation (Romans 3:23). Thus, everything that the Lord Jesus did on the Cross of Calvary provided salvation and fulfilled the spiritual need of human beings (John 3:16-18).2- Need for God’s presence and guidance. Another spiritual need that human beings have is God’s presence and guidance in their lives. Each day that passes, we need to seek God’s presence through prayer to do His will in our lives (Exodus 33:15; Acts 1:4,5). In addition to this precious presence, we also need divine guidance on our journey. From time to time, we need to make decisions, choices, and act. Therefore, we cannot do anything without divine guidance. To do this, we have the Holy Spirit, our Helper, and the Word of God as our compass. The Holy Spirit enlightens us in our understanding of the Scriptures and, therefore, guides us in everything (Romans 8:14). He fulfills this spiritual need.
3- In need of the Holy Spirit. The guidance of the Spirit is indispensable, and even more fundamental is the presence of the Spirit Himself within us. The psalmist said: “Do not take Your Holy Spirit from me” (Psalm 51:11). In order to fulfill His mission on Earth, the Lord Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:38). The same is true for us, because only the Holy Spirit can convince man of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8); only the Holy Spirit can enable us to evangelize effectively (Acts 1:8); and even our intercessions will not be successful without the powerful action of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:26). Without this work, the Church cannot advance. The Holy Spirit provides for our spiritual needs.
As trichotomous beings, in addition to physical and emotional needs, we also have spiritual needs, which the Lord also provides for us through the Holy Spirit.
Our God, through His Son, Jesus Christ, provides for all our needs, whether physical, emotional or spiritual, because God treats us as whole people. In this way, we are invited to place every area of our being in complete dependence on God. In fact, we will not stop facing challenges and making risky decisions. However, we can rest in God and, through the presence and guidance of the Spirit, experience a period of fullness in His presence.
1- What is the Lord Jesus referring to in Matthew 6:26?
Jesus refers to the “birds of the air” that do not sow, nor reap, nor store food, but the Heavenly Father provides their daily food.
2- What references does the Lord Jesus make in Matthew 6:28 and 30?
The Lord Jesus makes a reference to the lilies of the field, which do not buy or produce their own clothes, but the Heavenly Father dresses them beautifully.
The Lord Jesus makes a reference to the lilies of the field, which do not buy or produce their own clothes, but the Heavenly Father dresses them beautifully.
3- What does the Word of God reveal about who we are?
The Word of God reveals that we are body, but also soul (1 Thess 5.23).
The Word of God reveals that we are body, but also soul (1 Thess 5.23).
4- In whom is the solution to anxiety found?
Our solution is always in Jesus. There is no illness that He cannot cure, even emotional ones (Mt 12.15).
Our solution is always in Jesus. There is no illness that He cannot cure, even emotional ones (Mt 12.15).
5- What is the greatest need of human beings?
The greatest of these is salvation.
The greatest of these is salvation.
ebd estrangeira