Youth 4th quarter 2024

December 15, 2024

“A healthy heart is life to the flesh, but envy rots the bones.” (Prov 14:30)

Young Christians cannot allow themselves to be dominated by envy, but must be dominated by the wisdom of the Word of God. WEEKLY

MONDAY – Gen 3:8-14 The harm that envy can cause
TUESDAY – Proverbs 4:23 Guard your heart against envy
WEDNESDAY – Gal 19:21 Envy is a work of the flesh
THURSDAY – Jas 3:14-16 Self-examine your heart
FRIDAY – Ps 15:1-5 Cultivate goodness, justice and piety
SATURDAY – 1Pe 3:15 Gentle and humble of heart

TO PRESENT some advice against envy:
TO KNOW what the vice of envy is;
SHOW how we can protect ourselves from envy,

We have a challenge to relate to ungodly people and, at the same time, not allow ourselves to be influenced by their bad behavior. Likewise, we have the challenge of relating to godly people and, at the same time, being open to learning a virtue that we may not yet have. Yes, the Holy Spirit uses people to help us mature in the Christian life. Instead of practicing envy, we are invited to observe and learn from those who do good and, thus, achieve a wise heart.

Teacher, write the following sentence on the board: “Five great enemies of peace dwell within us: greed, ambition, envy, anger, and pride; and, if these enemies were banished, we would infallibly enjoy perpetual peace. Envy is definitely one of the great enemies of inner peace. Like a thief, she lurks in the heart under the cover of darkness, and steals away contentment” (SWINDOLL, Charles R. Living Proverbs. Rio de Janeiro: CPAD, 2013, p. 195). Then ask the students to discuss what they understood from the statement and to make a comment about it.

Proverbs 23.17-21; 24.1,2
Proverbs 23

17 Let not your heart envy sinners; but be in the fear of the Lord all the day long.
18 For surely there is a good end; your hope will not be cut off.
19 Hear, my son, and be wise; and direct your heart in the way,
20 Do not be among winebibbers, or among gluttons of meat.
21 For the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and drowsiness will wear out the garments.
Proverbs 24
1 Do not envy evil men, nor desire to be with them,
2 For their heart plans robbery, and their lips talk deceit,

In this lesson, we will study a work of the flesh: envy. The book of Proverbs advises young people to avoid envy and not to desire the same lifestyle as those who live in a way that is contrary to the virtues of the Kingdom of God. We will study the dangers of envy and how to protect ourselves from this work of the flesh.


1- Envy makes the body sick. Proverbs 14 presents parallel texts that contrast wisdom and foolishness (vv. 1-19) and the rich and the poor (vv. 20-35). More specifically, verse 30 shows a contrast between a wise heart and an envious heart (v. 30). In this case, a wise heart brings life to the body, but a heart full of envy makes it sick and harms it. In this sense, a wise heart cultivates peace, love, and partnership, and therefore brings health to the body, allowing life to be faced in a wiser way, with more lightness and tranquility. But a heart contaminated by envy makes the soul sick in such a way that, in the attempt to deconstruct the other person in order to achieve a goal, evil attitudes end up dominating the center of life, corroding all that is good in that person or in someone else. Therefore, envy makes the body and life sick.
2- Do not envy the sinner! Chapter 23 is part of a collection of texts that discuss moral and spiritual wisdom (22:22-24:22). Within this context, verse 17 presents the wise man’s advice to the young man not to envy the lives of sinners. On the contrary, the wise man encourages the young man to, instead of envying sinners, immerse himself in the “fear of the Lord” all day long, because there is a sure path to the future where hope will not be frustrated (v.18). Consequently, verses 19 to 21 exhort the young man to be wise, to persevere on the right path and, therefore, to stay away from those who have an excessive lifestyle of drinking and eating (v.20), that is, from those who think that life is all about pleasures and delights. A lifestyle without moderation is a steep path to misery. The wise man is teaching that the young man does not need to envy a lifestyle like this.
3- Do not envy violent people. Chapter 24, which is in the same context as chapter 23, is an exhortation not to envy wicked people (vv. 1.2). The word “robbery” means robbery and extortion followed by violence. Avoid as much as possible the path of people who have a violent lifestyle, who only know how to cause confusion, strife and disputes. Violence is found in their conversations, wickedness is generated in their hearts. Whoever walks in the path of such people will be swallowed up by their wicked practices. The wise man’s warning here is to avoid the bad company of people who have nothing positive to add, except for practices based on evil and wickedness.

Teacher, explain to students that envy is the desire to be better or at least equal to colleagues, in achievements, excellence or possessions. The ancients referred to envy as an evil or hostile feeling. Augustine included it among the passions that “rage like tyrants and confuse the whole soul and life of man, with storms on every side. He then described this soul as having an “anxiety” to get what he did not have. Wherever man turns, greed can confine him, the satisfaction of his own desires can dissipate him, ambition can dominate him, pride can fill him, envy can torture him, and laziness can drug him. Torture is an apt description of what envy does. This disease of the spirit takes a heavy toll on its victims.” (Adapted from SWINDOLL, Charles R. Vivendo Provérbios. Rio de Janeiro: CPAD. 2013. p. 195.)


1- The concept. The etymology of a word teaches us a lot about its meaning. For example, the word “envy” derives from the Latin verb invidere, which means “to look at evil.” In this sense, the word refers to the idea of ​​a negative, derogatory view of others. In the texts of Proverbs under study, the wise man encourages us not to envy those who do evil. But can we envy those who do good? Generally, envy awakens ambition regarding the qualities or achievements of others. This is considered a work of the flesh, a vice of the soul. Thus, envy is a work of the worst instinct of human beings, because it causes them to constantly compare themselves with others, always focusing on their weaknesses.
2- Envy generates hatred. Genesis 3.8-14 tells the story of how, out of envy of his brother Abel, whose offering was accepted by God, Cain rose up against his own brother and killed him. Throughout his relationship with Abel, Cain intensified his resentment, which was derived from the envy he felt towards his brother. This episode reveals to us the dark and destructive side of the vice of envy. It generates hatred and the practice of evil.
3- Self-examination against envy. There are several texts in the New Testament that address envy, showing it as a work of the flesh (Gal 5.19-21; Rom 13.13.14; 1 Pet 2.1). However, the Letter of James gives a very clear warning about this work of the flesh, inviting us to examine our conscience (James 3.14). The sacred writer makes it clear that the Devil is responsible for this vice (James 3.15), because where there is “envy” and “a self-righteous spirit,” there is the fatherhood of the Devil (James 3.15.16). Therefore, we must always examine our hearts before God, meditating on His Word. Yes, by meditating on the Word of God, asking the right questions, God can reveal to us the sins that are haunting us, the evil thoughts that are surrounding us, the perverse feelings that are being cultivated and feeding our will.


1- Do not desire a sinful lifestyle. We live in a world where we will encounter and even establish some level of relationship with many different types of people. Righteous and pious people will cross our path, but so will unjust and impious people. In order not to desire a wicked and unjust lifestyle, we must cultivate righteousness and piety in our hearts in the presence of God (Ps 15:1-5). Then, those who love righteousness and piety will desire to relate to the righteous and pious. This is the objective of the wisdom of Proverbs, to make young people enjoy seeking goodness, righteousness and piety in life and, at the same time, despise the style of evil, injustice and impiety (Mk 12:30,31). Therefore, do not envy the sinful lifestyle.
2- Do not desire a violent lifestyle. It is common for young people to be tempted to be seduced by ideologies, philosophies and groups that preach violence. When we are young, everything is intense. The intellectual producers of our time want to touch the hearts of all young people because they see in them the maintenance of their ideas. Generally, the ideas propagated by today's producers are excessively emotional, appealing and violent. However, the Word of God shows us that nothing justifies the idea of ​​disrespect, especially in our family, in our local church and in any place we are involved. Do not envy people and their violent ideas.
3- A wise heart. One of the best ways to protect ourselves against envy, according to the Bible, is to do the opposite: to desire and cultivate a wise heart. Instead of envying other people, we can allow ourselves to be influenced by people of God who seek to live a just, pious and kind life with Him and with others. From these people we can learn about contentment, gratitude and wisdom. In the last lesson, we studied contentment, which is a precious virtue against the vice of envy. Gratitude is another precious Christian virtue to protect our hearts from envy.

We have a challenge to relate to ungodly people and, at the same time, not to let ourselves be influenced by their behavior. However, we also have the challenge of relating to godly people and, at the same time, being open to learning a virtue that we may not yet have. Yes, the Holy Spirit uses people to help us mature in the Christian life. Instead of practicing envy, we are invited to observe and learn from those who do good and, thus, achieve a wise heart .

1- According to Proverbs 14:30, what does envy do? Envy
makes the body and life sick.

2- What does the word “envy” mean?
The word “envy” derives from the Latin verb invidere which means “to look evil”.

3- Mention some texts from the New Testament that mention envy.
Gal 5.19-21: Rom 13.13.14. 1 Pe 2.1.

4- What are the characteristics of the ideas propagated by cultural producers in general?
Generally, the ideas propagated by current producers are exaggeratedly emotional, appealing and violent.

5- What can we do instead of envying someone?
Instead of envying the other person, we can let ourselves be influenced by people of God who seek to live a righteous life. pious and benign towards Him and others.
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